柊的勇造相本 ▸ The Thorn Bird。刺鳥

造型介紹:  Long Ago, there was a bird who sang but just once in her life. From the moment she left the nest, she searched the longest leaf for a thorn tree, never resting until she found one. Then she began to sing, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. But carry away in the rapturous honor song, she impaled herself on the longest, sharpest thorn. As she was dying, she rose above her own agony to out-sing even the lark and the nightingale. The thorn bird traded her life for that one song and the whole world wascaptured to listen ... And God, in His heaven smiles ... 你曾經聽過這個塞爾特的傳說嗎? 傳說中,有一種鳥一生只唱一次歌,清脆婉轉無以倫比。 這種鳥從離巢之後就不斷地飛行,飛過千山萬水,飛過天涯海角…… 只為了尋找一棵有刺的樹,不達目的絕不中止。 經過漫長旅程,當牠終於找到那棵樹,就挺起胸膛,往樹上最尖最利的那根刺獻上自己, 讓它穿過整個血肉之軀與全部的心靈,甘之如飴, 並且在死前將這份劇痛化為婉轉的清唱,一生就為了一次的謳歌…… 那歌聲優美動人,連雲雀和夜鶯都黯然失色。 傳說中的刺鳥以生命為代價,只為換得臨死前的絕唱, 整個世界都要側耳傾聽,連上帝也會在天堂裡展顏微笑。 在垂死的瞬間,帶著血與淚的時刻, 它完成一生最極致的渴求,唱出無可匹敵,最悅耳動人的歌聲,直至生命耗盡。 因為,唯有以最深沉的痛苦,才能換得最美好的事物! (汪喵嘶咩‧動物奇觀造型大賽 - 勇者造型哈啦版)